Joining the Lab
We're glad you're interested in joining our group! Please find some general information below. We typically receive more interest than we can accommodate, but are always working to recruit outstanding, diverse researchers to our team.
Postdoctoral Researchers
If you are interested in joining the lab as a postdoctoral researcher, please contact Prof. Collins directly with your interests, a CV and some representative publications.
Doctoral Students
If you are interested in joining the lab as a PhD student, please apply to the Direct PhD Program in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford. Once you have been accepted, please reach out to Prof. Collins with your interests and project ideas and we can make plans for you to meet with the lab during PhD Visit Day. We also welcome interest from PhD students from other Departments at Stanford.
Masters Students
If you are interested in joining the lab as a Masters student, please apply to the Masters Program in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford. Once you have enrolled and arrive on campus in the Autumn, please reach out to Prof. Collins with your interests. If there are good opportunities, we can make plans for you to meet with the lab during our Open House at the beginning of Autumn quarter. Unfortunately, we do not have funds to support Masters students and do not recruit PhD students through this mechanism.
Undergraduate Students
If you are a current undergraduate student at Stanford and are interested in assisting a postdoctoral researcher or PhD student with one of their projects, please reach out to Prof. Collins or another member of the team with your interests, CV or resume, and availability for the quarters during which you'd like to be involved. We typically request a commitment of at least nine hours per week, corresponding to three units, for at least two quarters, to enable a substantive experience. We do not have funds to support undergraduate students, but there are a number of excellent programs on campus that provide funding for research experiences. In particular, we encourage you to consider the Summer Undergraduate Research Institute (SURI) program in Mechanical Engineering. We are also happy to provide research units as credit for your involvement.
We generally do not host visitors and cannot provide financial support in such cases.